General Fair Admission Fee
Season Fair Passes will be available July 1st, 2024 at Broy & Son and Berryville Auto Parts.
Fair Office will be open for sales on Thursday, August 8th from 5 pm until 7 pm and Sunday, August 11th from 10 am until 4 pm!
Adults – $10.00 per day
Children (Ages 5-15)- $5.00 per day
Preschool Children – Free
Season Passes (6 days) – Adults $30, Children $15
WEDNESDAY: Senior Citizen & Children Day-All adults (62 and older) and children (15 and under) are admitted FREE until 5:00 PM – Special events held through the day
THURSDAY: Veterans Day-All active and military veterans are admitted free, all day
ATM Machines located on the fairgrounds

Gate Passes
- I. Exhibitors
- II. Horse Shows (English or Western)
- IV. Carnival Workers
- III. Ruritan Members, and Families
- V. Workers and Others
- VI. Gatemen and Ticket Takers
- Each livestock exhibitor (regardless of number of entries) of dairy cattle, beef cattle, goats, sheep, swine, rabbits, poultry and horses will receive one (1) Free Season Pass.
- Each 4-H and FFA livestock family will receive two (2) additional free Season Passes.
- All workers and assistants required by livestock exhibitors will be allowed to purchase a Season Pass for $15 (limit 3 passes per livestock exhibitor).
- Exhibitors in the Agriculture, Horticulture, Homemaking, Fine Arts, Photography & Floral departments with articles that do not require any service will be entitled to purchase a Season Pass at $15 per adult and $10 for children. (NOTE CORRECTION) Entry stubs must be shown to the fair ticket office to purchase the tickets. You must have a minimum of 5 entry stubs to purchase a reduced rate Season Pass. Five stubs per reduced pass.
- Each commercial exhibitor will receive a maximum of 2 free season passes for each space purchased. These passes are only allotted by the Commercial Exhibit Committee.
- Persons bringing exhibits to be entered in the fair will be admitted free on Monday evening and Tuesday until noon.
- Pre-registration is preferred. Click here after July 1st to register. Deadline to pre-register is August 4th.
- Gate Admission will be charged to vehicle driver, rider, trainer and parents but they will receive a coupon which can be turned into the Horse Show Secretary’s Office for reimbursement. This coupon does not include entry into the Fair area itself except for the rider.
- Those persons connected with the carnival will be issued a free gate pass (certified by carnival boss).
- Each Ruritan member receives a Ruritan arm band.
- Each member receives free weekly season passes for his/her spouse and family.
- Each member’s dues have to be paid up-to-date.
Those Not Covered Above
**Persons selected by the Committee Chairman or Fair Chairman as officials, judges or assistants in a department other than exhibitors or Ruritan members, may be issued a free season pass through the fair ticket office.
**All free passes and reduced price tickets must be issued through:
- A list given at the last Ruritan Meeting before the fair, where passes are given to members.
- A list given to the fair office after start of fair
- Gatemen will collect the regular admission fee from everyone unless a pass is presented. NO exceptions to this rule.
- Any refunds due an individual on admission fee will be refunded at the fair office and NOT by the gatemen.