Department A – Horses
Our Horse Shows this year will include:
2nd Annual Clarke/Frederick Open Horse Show Series
Saturday, August 10th, Classes will start at 9 am
Clarke County Ruritan Horse Show
Saturday, August 17th, Classes will start at 8:00 – This show is part of the Berryville Show Series
*Go to Upcoming Events for classes and details*

- Pre-registration is needed if you are a Junior Exhibitor keeping horses on the fairgrounds. A Google registration form has been emailed; please fill in before July 31st.
- All entries must bring a current negative (within 12 months) Coggin’s test result for each horse/pony.
- For those horses/ponies residing in the Ruritan barn, a copy will remain with the Barn Supervisor during the week of the Fair.
- For those horses/ponies being shown, this must be shown before a back number is given.
- It is mandatory that all horse/ponies attending shows at the Fairgrounds or being stabled in the barn be current with the following immunizations: Eastern and Western Encephalomyelitis, West Nile Virus, Tetanus, Flu and Rhino.
- Management reserves the right to determine that unruly animals or animals treated cruelly be removed from the Fairgrounds.
- Hard hats must be worn at all times when a rider is mounted. Junior members must wear safety helmets with approved (USEF or USPC) harnesses.
- A local Clarke County Horse Show will take place on Friday, August 16th to reward our local youth for their dedication to their horse projects.
- Management reserves the right to cancel, combine, or split classes if necessary.
- Judge’s decision is final.
- For the Open Ruritan Show on Saturday, August 17th, gate admission will be charged to vehicle driver, rider, trainer, and parents but will receive a coupon which can be turned into the Horse Show Secretary’s Office for reimbursement. This coupon does not include entry onto the Fair area itself except for the rider.
- Horse Show Committee and the Clarke County Ruritan Club are not responsible for any accident to rider, animal, property, or equipment that may occur on the grounds.
- At the mandatory pre-Fair Barn Exhibitors’ meeting stalls will be pre-inspected for nails, loose boards, and ground holes. Repairs will be made prior to the horses’ arrival on the Monday of Fair Week.
- Once stalled, horses must be wearing a break-away or leather halter, and a lead rope and a completed stall card should be clearly visible by each horse’s stall. A fire extinguisher or fire bucket must be available by each stall. Two water buckets should be clean and full at all times, and horses must have access to salt/electrolytes. Bedding must be kept clean and horses must be groomed thoroughly after riding. Failure to provide appropriate care for one’s horse after one warning will result in dismissal from the barn and from exhibiting in the 4-H Horse Show.
- Any horse demonstrating lameness or illness will be evaluated. If in the opinion of the 4-H leaders, the horse needs veterinary attention, an effort will be made to contact the horse’s usual vet; however, if that vet cannot be contacted, the veterinarian on call will be notified and the 4-H or FFA member will be responsible for reimbursement of services. Any horse who is deemed ill or demonstrates it cannot tolerate the Fair environment, i.e. begins to strike, rear, bite, or similar behaviors will be asked to leave. All attempts to find a substitute mount for the 4-H or FFA member will be made, but this cannot be guaranteed. Substitutions can only be made with the approval of a 4-H leader.
- Hard hats and proper footwear are mandatory whenever mounted. During exhibition hours, exhibitors at the barn must be appropriately dressed at all times. Appropriate dress means clean, safe, and workmanlike; appropriate footwear must have a closed toe and heel; sneakers are not acceptable. The dress code will be reviewed at the mandatory barn exhibitors meeting prior to the Fair. Exhibitors violating the dress code will be asked to leave the barn area and change before they can return.
- Lessons and clinics are mandatory unless permission is obtained from a 4-H leader. Unless requested by an instructor, exhibitors may only ride their own mount. All riders coming to or returning from the barn to the ring must be accompanied by an adult unless permission is granted by a 4-H leader. For safety reasons, riders may be asked to dismount and walk their horses to and from the barn.
- The Friday 4-H/FFA Horse and Pony Show is open to all youth enrolled in a 4-H or FFA Horse Project by May 1st, year of the show. All entrants must show a copy of their current 4-H Horse Project Eligibility/Declaration Form to show management at time of registration. In the event a mount is being substituted, a letter of explanation from the 4-H leader or FFA advisors required.
- Juniors are riders less than 14 years of age by January 1st, year of the show. Seniors are riders 14 or older by January 1st, year of the show. Beginner Division riders may only cross enter into Showmanship; however, they may enter other classes on an unjudged basis..
- All horses entering the Clarke County Fairgrounds must comply with the Fair’s general health requirements written above.
- Points are awarded per rider/horse combination and are accrued as follows:
5 points for 1st place
3 points for 2nd place
2 points for 3rd place
1 point for 4th place - All Clarke County 4-H and FFA members are required to participate in a Showmanship Class. Special awards are given to the high-scoring Clarke County 4-H and FFA member in each Showmanship class. Showmanship is judged 50% on fitting and 50% on showing. All work must be done by the 4-Hor FFA member or with the assistance of other 4-H or FFA members. Senior exhibitors must present the horse braided or banded; this is not a requirement for Junior 4-H or FFA members. This Show will take place Tuesday morning at the Show Barn.
- All judges’ decisions are final. Sportsmanship is the 4-H and FFA way. Rudeness on the part of exhibitors or family members will not be tolerated. Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification, loss of accrued points and ineligibility for show awards.
- All 4-H and FFA rules regarding safety while handling horses shall apply at all times. Any rider or mount demonstrating unsafe behavior may be excused by show officials. All riders must wear helmets for all classes, including Showmanship. Equipment may be checked for safety by any show official, and if there is a safety concern, the rider may be asked to substitute more appropriate tack.
- Dogs are not permitted by the show ring – leashed or unleashed.
- Ribbons and trophies for the 4-H and FFA Horse and Pony Show were donated by the Clarke County Ruritan Club and individual donors. The Clarke County 4-H Equine Clubs thank the Ruritans for their longstanding and generous support of the 4-H Horse Program.
This award is presented annually to the overall high point youth winner, junior or senior 4-H member of the 4-H Horse and Pony Show at the Clarke County Fair. This award is limited to Clarke County 4-H members. The trophy will be engraved with the name of this year’s winner and retained until the following year when it will be returned and awarded to the new winner. A replica will also be awarded to each year’s winner to be kept permanently.
Each year the Clarke County Ruritan Club presents a trophy to the 4-H Senior Champion High Point Winner and the 4-H Senior Reserve Champion High Point winner.
JUNIOR CHAMPION HIGH POINT AWARD: Each year the Clarke County Ruritan Club presents a trophy to the 4-H Junior Champion High Point Winner and the 4-H Junior Reserve Champion High Point winner.
CLARKE COUNTY RURITAN HORSE FITTING AND SHOWING AWARDS Trophies are presented each year by the Clarke County Ruritan Club to the first place winners from Clarke County in the Junior and Senior Fitting and Showing Divisions.
THE 4-H FUN AWARD The Light Horse 4-H Pony Club will present an award to the youth having the most points in the games on game day.
BEST KEPT STALL AWARDS In memory of James L. Ramey, Sr. an award will be presented to the Junior and Senior 4-H exhibitors who do the best job of caring for their animals while at the fair. Factors to be considered are neatness of stall area, cleanliness of animal at all times, care of equipment and personal appearance. Six or more entries are required. To be given at the discretion of the 4-H Horse and Pony Club leaders. These awards are sponsored by Lockwood Family.
BEST KEPT TACK AWARD In memory of James L. Ramey, Sr. an award will be presented to the Junior and Senior 4-H exhibitors having the “Best Kept” tack.
TOP DUDE’S PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY All 4-H members are eligible to try and win this trophy. All classes and mounts count towards the rider’s points. Top Dude was Renee Davis’s project horse for five years. A replica trophy will be awarded for the winner to keep. This award is sponsored by Barbara Byrd.
“PINKY” AWARD In memory of James L. Ramey, Sr. an award will be presented to the Clarke County or Frederick County youth who displays excellent spirit of cooperation, enthusiasm, and conduct during the week of the fair. Given at the discretion of the 4-H Horse and Pony Clubs leaders. This award is sponsored by the Light Horse and Pony Club.
GROOMING AWARD In memory of James L. Ramey, Sr. an award will be presented to the junior and senior 4-H exhibitors who present the best groomed horse or pony during the week of the fair. Given at the discretion of the 4-H Horse and Pony Clubs leaders. These awards are sponsored by Julie and Mary Willis.
SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD Karen Fox and Dirck Holscher of Windy Ridge Farm will award a halter to the youth exhibiting the most sportsmanlike conduct both in and out of the ring, not only toward their own mount but towards other competitors, horses, judges and all others involved. To be judged by the 4-H Horse and Pony Club leaders.
MOST IMPROVED AWARD This award will be presented to the youth who shows the most improvement during fair week. To be judged by the 4-H Horse and Pony Club leaders. This award is presented in memory of little Bucky.
PERSEVERANCE AWARD Sponsored by Barbara Byrd
BEST MATCH (Mount and Rider in Barn) Sponsored by Barbara Byrd
BIG SISTER/LITTLE SISTER Sponsored by Equine Enthusiasts
TIMEX AWARD Given to the rider who “takes a licking and keeps on ticking”; Sponsored by the Equine Enthusiasts.