Swine Shows’ Times & Rules
A huge thank you goes to Johnny Blue for their sponsorship of our Swine Barn.

Showmanship Thursday, August 15, 2023 at 4 pm in Show Barn
Junior Swine Market Show immediately following Showmanship
Junior Swine Breeding Show immediately following Market Show
- Competition is open to any market hog, barrow, or gilt of any breed or crossbreed born after January 1st of the current year.
- All swine must be in possession and ownership of the exhibiting 4-H or FFA member by the June weigh-in, year of the show.
- All swine entered must be free of disease. The swine committee reserves the right to reject any entries they feel unfit or unsound (due to limited mobility or injury) for the health of the show and sale.
- The Junior Swine Show is open to Clarke County 4-H and FFA previous swine project members who are enrolled by January 1 of the year of the show. All new swine project members must be enrolled in the Clarke County 4-H or FFA program and declare a project by March 1 of the year of the show.
- Showmanship classes will be divided into Novice, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Novice Showmen will be those youth who have not shown swine as a 4-H or FFA project previously at the Clarke County Fair and are the age of 12 or under as of September 30, 2024. Junior Showman will be those exhibitors who will be between 9 and 12 years of age as of September 30, 2024. Intermediate showmen will be those exhibitors who will be between 13 and 15 years of age as of September 30, 2024 and Senior Showmen are those exhibitors who will be between 16 and 19 years of age as of September 30, 2024.
- All swine entries must be nominated, weighed-in, and tagged at the official project weigh-in held the first Saturday in June, year of the show. Five entries may be weighed in at June weigh in. Up to 3 entries may be shown at the fair – 2 of these may be shown in market class and 1 may be shown in the gilt class. All exhibitors are only allowed to sell 2 entries in the livestock sale on Friday. The Swine Committee must be made aware immediately following the show if a hog is not being sold at the Friday Livestock Sale.
- The Swine committee recommends a weight of at least 80 pounds at the initial weigh in for all entries.
- All swine entries must be in place no later than 12 pm on Fair Sunday.
- At Tuesday morning weigh in, all swine entries are to be clean with ear tags free of debris and CLEARLY visible before being taken out of their pen to weigh.
- All market hogs must be weighed on Tuesday at 8:00 AM and divisions will be determined by weight.
- All hogs must weigh between 220 and 300 pounds to be eligible to sell in the Junior Livestock Sale. All division winning market hogs will be eligible to compete in the Grand Champion market drive, and the second-place market hog in the division from which the champion came from is eligible to compete for the Reserve Champion market hog as well as the remaining division winning market hogs.
- All hogs not weighing at least 220 pounds or weighing over 300 pounds will need to be removed from the fairgrounds immediately following weigh-in.
- Hair clipping – for show eligibility, hair length on the pig body (hams, top, sides and shoulders) must be at least one-half inch. Pigs with body hair length less than one-half inch are not eligible for the show.
- All market hogs will be graded.
- Hogs may be guided by canes, tubes, whips, crops, or any other device approved by the Swine Committee. Excessive use of the guide devices, leading to bruising or excessive marking, will lead to a warning from the Swine Committee. If the excessive use continues the exhibitor can be disqualified from the Swine Show and Junior Livestock Sale. Guide devices must be approved by the Swine Committee immediately following fair weigh in.
- The number of hogs sold by one (1) exhibitor is limited to two (2). All hogs must be cleaned thoroughly before entering the sale ring.
- To recognize hog buyers, $5.00 will be retained from the proceeds of each hog sold to purchase a newspaper advertisement.
- The swine barn will be closed during the swine weigh-in, after 3:45 PM the day of the show, during the show, and 6 PM through the end of the swine sale on sale day. Only committee members or designated volunteers are permitted in the barn.
- All waterers must be left on from the time of initial weigh in until the animal is removed from the fairgrounds.
- The intent to have breeding gilt entries at the 2024 Swine Show must be on your fair exhibit registration form which is due May 31, 2024. Your 4-H or FFA Advisor will need to confirm your participation in a gilt project before a gilt entry may be brought to the 2024 Fair on Sunday.
- Animals entered in the breeding gilt class are not eligible for the 4-H FFA Livestock sale.
- There is no weight restriction for Breeding Swine.
- The Swine Committee reserves the right to amend and interpret these rules and regulations as they see fit.
1ST |
2ND |
3RD |
4TH |
5TH |
Gilt | 12.00 | 10.00 | 8.00 | 6.00 | 4.00 |
Market Hog | 12.00 | 10.00 | 8.00 | 6.00 | 4.00 |
Division Champion Hog | Rosette | ||||
Division Reserve Champion Hog | Rosette | ||||
Champion Gilt | Rosette | ||||
Reserve Champion Gilt | Rosette | ||||
Overall Champion Hog | Banner | ||||
Overall Reserve Champion Hog | Banner | ||||
Novice, Junior, Intermediate, Senior Champion Showman | Banner | ||||
Novice, Junior, Intermediate, Senior Reserve Champion Showman | Banner | ||||
Supreme Showman | Banner |
Swine Awards
A $25 cash award will be presented to the outstanding youth swine exhibitor by Barbara Morris in memory of James H. Morris. This award is a reflection of the exhibitor’s showmanship abilities, animal and pen care, and respect towards other exhibitors during fair week.
Banners will be presented to the Champion and Reserve Champion from the Novice, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Showmanship divisions by the Clarke County Ruritan Club.
In memory of Floyd Lofton, SMIDLEY Feeder Dealer, a $25.00 cash award will be presented to the exhibitor of the Overall Champion Market Hog.
The Virginia Pork Industry will award a silver tray to the sweepstakes winner in the Junior Market Hog Show. The winner is to be selected by the total number of points accumulated in the show by the following systems: 1st- 5 points; 2nd-4 points; 3rd- 3 points; for placings in the single classes, pen classes, and fitting and showing classes. In case of a tie, the tying exhibitor placing highest in the fitting and showing class will receive the award.
In memory of Mrs. Geraldine Lofton, a $50.00 cash award will be presented by the Lucky Leaf 4-H Club to the youth who does the best job of presenting his/her project during fair week. This will be divided equally among the exhibitors if more than one exhibitor’s projects are in the same pen.
In memory of Mr. Floyd Hoff and Mr. Jock Hoff, a banner will be presented to the exhibitor for the Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog by an anonymous donor.
The L. Floyd Jenkins Swine Award has been established in memory of Mr. L. Floyd Jenkins. This award is to be given to the exhibitor of Grand Champion Market Hog each year. Mr. Jenkins believed in honesty, hard work and responsibility. These characteristics can be developed at an early age by raising and caring for livestock. Hard work should be rewarded and respect should be earned, not given. The exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Hog will receive a plaque and a check.